ASH Member and Web Editor | 2022-2023
Nathan Minderhoud - He/him
Hey everyone, I’m Nathan and I will be this year’s web editor and writer. I’m curious about how we as the main team will reshape ASH this year – especially when it comes to the website and all the fascinating little things that can be tweaked in WordPress. Notice that I write the latter word with a capital ‘P’ in the middle, as every hardcore web editor should. Jokes aside, I think that there is still some work to be done on the website. Making sure the archive is image copyright safe, adding missing articles to the archive, adding personal writer links and new menu items, adding an article view counter and… we might even re-publish some articles online from earlier times, when the Herald was only in print format. I myself have quite a collection of deep-seated interests and before I try to make an interesting analysis, I dive into the topic and read a lot about it. Besides some of the spelling, wording or sentence-structure mistakes I have made that Eline has been so kind to point out, my other big challenges will be keeping the research limited and the texts structured. I hope that ASH readers can take something away from the article, be it a little bit of humor, a perspective not yet considered, or a paradigm-shifting change that will forever impact the way you think about life. Naturally, most of you readers have sought out this little oasis that is called the American Studies Herald in the middle of this giant busy ocean that’s called ‘the internet.’ As there is so much seawater to choose from around us, the Herald, and me personally, will try to be worth our salt. All the while, we will be taking the events that are happening around us with a pinch of salt. Without rubbing too much salt in your wounds, of course.